Understand your visitors and influence return rates with personalised marketing.
Get in touchIn order to keep your visitors coming back, you first need to understand what prompted their visit, and what will entice them to return. Gaining a deeper level of insight into your visitors and their experiences with rich analytics creates endless new strategies to boost your venue’s performance.
People want to get online when they’re when they’re having a great experience; whether it’s to engage with social media, check activity timetables, or make last minute bookings. We make it fast, and make it easy. Keep your visitors happy and staying for longer.
Bookings may come via other people - get to know your real visitors through wi-fi analytics. What age range are your visitors? How long do they stay for? Ask them what’s made them visit today? Use this insight to plan campaigns and personalise offers.
Use historical and real-time reporting to monitor the frequency of their visits, understand their behaviour, and identify multi-site visits.
Use our real-time customer engagement tools to push offers to visitors whilst they’re at your venues. Tailor communications to certain visitor groups for a highly personalised experience and more effective campaign. For example, create premium offers for certain subsets of visitors only.
Engage with your visitors with a follow-up offer after they’ve gone home, or just before their birthday for example, to encourage future visits. Entice them to return if they’ve not been back in while, encourage them to visit another of your locations, or to recommend to a friend.
Push surveys to visitors as part of the wi-fi login journey, or send a follow-up email after their visit. Gain insight into what visitors want from their experience and why they visited. Use this to improve your facilities, processes and deliver excellent customer service.
With powerful venue analytics, you can quickly see which of your locations are performing the best. Identify your busy periods, monitor and measure which propositions are performing best in what sites. Make key business decisions about staffing levels, activities and facilities.
Send NPS surveys directly to your visitors, or send an email reminder to leave a Trip Advisor review.